What are the opportunities available to people in our business to develop themselves i.e formal and informal?

How to get the right balance when it comes to your L&D programme

Suit: Backed by the organisation

People learn in different ways. So it follows that their learning and development needs may differ. As an organisation, are you catering for that? At Let’s Talk Talent, we believe both formal and informal training tools are needed to allow staff to hone in their skills. But first a quick step back: what’s the difference between formal and informal? 

Formal development opportunities are more about management and leadership programmes, webinars, Ted Talks… Any course that forms part of your L&D arsenal, or is included in your career pathways could be considered as formal development. Ask yourself what is available within the business and, more importantly, whether those tools are advertised and made visible to the right people. 

Informal development opportunities are all about learning through experience. This could be anything from stretch assignments or mentoring opportunities to dedicated coaches. They could also include relocation, moves to  a different role, team or department or even working or volunteering in the community. Informal development is more hands-on and allows individuals to go through various situations, test their skills and attributes and step up to the challenge. With a little bit of support from their coach or manager. 

It’s important to mention this is not a ‘one or the other’ type of situation. Organisations should aim to offer all kinds of training options so staff can have the opportunity to take charge of their own career progression and determine how they wish to learn. So make sure your L&D approach is a blend of both formal and informal tools, and that your staff are aware of everything at their disposal. 

If you’d like a bit of help to review your L&D offering and turn it into a cool mix of a-la-carte learning opportunities, give us a call. Or have a look at our Career Sprints for more detail. 

Career Coaching Cards: Explained

This is a new series of blog posts, that explain our Career Coaching cards in more depth.

Our deck of cards contain 52 questions that help guide better career conversations and connect more with the individuals you’re having these conversations with.

Each week we are releasing a question from our deck with a little more information about why we think this question is a good question and what you are looking to get out of it when you ask it.

Book career sprints here

Developing your employees and empowering them to navigate their careers is a proven way to keep your workforce engaged and developing during these uncertain times, and is a key element to your business success and talent retention.

Now is the time to offer more significant career development that supports and encourages your people to explore a variety of career opportunities in your organisation, rather than just the obvious ones.

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