What development am I doing outside of work?

Finding out what development opportunities fit your lifestyle

Suit: You outside the organisation

Gone are the days of waiting for your organisation to approve sending you on a once-yearly stuffy leadership course in beige hotel lobbies with terrible biscuits. These days, development opportunities can take so many forms, it’s actually gone the other way round: there are too many options to choose from. From books to blogs, from podcasts, to online training courses, apps and volunteering opportunities, the sky’s the limit. 

So how do you pick and choose? Step one should be finding out what your primary focus is. Do you want to develop a specific skill in order to get a promotion? Would you like to be more involved in the community? Is it all about staying abreast of the latest industry news or trends? Do you want to focus on building your technical knowledge on a specific topic of interest? 

Once you’ve mapped out your development plan, find out what format works best for you.

  • Are you a visual person and learn better when watching videos?
  • Do you need to learn in smaller chunks rather than long training courses?
  • What restrictions do you have on your time and what fits your lifestyle best?
  • Can you listen to podcasts whilst running so you can take a few minutes each day?
  • Do you prefer to immerse yourself and focus on absorbing the material in one go? 

Development is all about getting to know yourself, your goals and objectives and your limitations so you can find the best option available. And if you’re thinking you don’t have time, just remember that personal development can be anything from a five minutes meditation session daily to a quick read of a single chapter of a book or a 10-minutes YouTube video. 

If you’d like a taste of what’s out there, have a look at the Udemy or Coursera librairies for some fresh motivation. 

Career Coaching Cards: Explained

This is a new series of blog posts, that explain our Career Coaching cards in more depth.

Our deck of cards contain 52 questions that help guide better career conversations and connect more with the individuals you’re having these conversations with.

Each week we are releasing a question from our deck with a little more information about why we think this question is a good question and what you are looking to get out of it when you ask it.

Book Coach on Demand now

Our Coach on Demand service supports your employees with easily accessible, flexible and virtual coaching sessions, providing employees with a safe space to explore their current developmental challenges.

Your colleagues are just a few clicks away from access to an experienced professional coach from the comfort of their home at a time that suits them.

Fill out the enquiry form on our Coach on Demand page and a member of our team will be in touch within 24 hours.

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