What do we mean by the word culture and why does it matter? Let’s face it culture is not static it ebbs and flows but at certain times it is important to take stock and really understand what your people are saying. Are they happy, motivated and engaged or are there parts of the culture that need to proactively changed/developed? So what are there things that you as a leader could be doing better?
In this webinar we will look at what can trigger the need for a culture audit, the approach you might take through a live example and the outputs that you can expect from it.
As always this webinar will be chocked full of practical tips and tricks that you can take back to your business and put into practice.
Who is this webinar for
- HR Leaders
- Business Leaders
- Business Partners
- Heads of Change & Transformation
- Heads of Employee Engagement
- Head of Organisational Development
- Head of ED&I
What you will learn
- What is culture and why is it important in getting,keeping and growing brilliant people
- When to activate a culture audit
- A real life example from a recent client we have worked with which brings to life our approach
- Levers that will support the change
- Potential ways of measuring success