5 career development trends & insights for 2024

Career development is really important, especially right now with the Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting trends, and staff retention being a top priority within almost all organisations.

Claire Koryczan, Senior partner at Let’s Talk Talent, shares the top five career insights we’ve seen and observed over the last few months with our clients.

Top 5 career development insights from chats with our clients

People are craving certainty and stability

So the first one is around the fact that there is so much uncertainty and change within the business world, people are seeking for that sense of certainty. And careers is absolutely one place where we can give that to people.

Career Progression, Career Possibilities… What’s next?

The second insight is the fact that as employees, we need to feel like we are going somewhere in our careers. That doesn’t necessarily mean that we need the next promotion up that ladder. It could be progression from a lateral perspective, but we need to feel like we are progressing – like we are going somewhere in our careers.

Help your employees level up; empower them to take control of their careers

The third insight is all around empowerment. And successful organisations are empowering their people to be able to navigate their careers with them, by giving them tools, techniques, showing them what’s possible in terms of the opportunities, but giving the power back to the employee. So they are the ones that are empowered to drive their careers in the way that they want to, with you.

Show your people they are significant; we all want to make a difference and want to be wanted

The fourth insight is a human insight, and the fact that growth and progression are basic human needs. And these are absolutely linked to our careers and that sense of progressing and developing. And what’s interesting about this is that it also connects to our need for significance. That growth, that progression, makes us feel significant when we are growing and developing and moving forward in our careers. So, to be able to create an environment that enables people to be able to do that really taps into those deep human needs that we have.

Do you have someone whose role is to focus on careers? Maybe you should

So the fifth and final insight is all about the fact that careers are so important right now. Isn’t it about time that we had somebody whose sole purpose is to focus on the careers in our organisations? Isn’t it about time for a Chief Career Officer?

In Summary: The top 5 careers insights of 2024 from our clients

So that sums up our five insights that we want to share with you on careers today: 

  • Give people control, let them take control of their careers. 
  • Enable your people to feel like they are going somewhere within your organisation. 
  • Career empowerment. What can you do to empower your people to navigate your careers with you?
  • Dig into those deep human needs that we have around growth, around progression, around significance, and how this links to our career. 
  • And, as careers are so important, consider having a person whose entire focus is on the career development of your people.

If you want to explore career development, career mapping, or supporting your managers to have better career conversations, book a meeting with our team to discuss your needs.

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