Focusing on both outputs and outcomes to help you reach your goals
Suit: Backed by the organisation
This may seem like an easy card to pick. We’re sure you’ve got some stats at hand to help you understand how your various initiatives are doing. But are you focusing on both the outputs and the outcomes? And more importantly, what’s the difference?
Outputs are all about figures. It’s the hard data you’re probably already keeping an eye on, such as retention rates, engagement figures, cost to hire… The list goes on. These will help you determine if your HR efforts are bearing fruits. But it’s important to remember they need to be carefully chosen based on your organisational objectives and the main goal you are trying to reach. Just blindly measuring everything under the sun won’t tell you much and risks diluting your focus.
Outcomes, on the other hand, are about the softer elements. They will be used to switch the ownership of talent acquisition and retention from HR to the whole of the business. For example, you may find that certain departments have high turnover rates. Digging deeper will allow you to understand the cause of the issue and find ways to correct it. Are your managers having quality career conversations? Is your internal culture an inclusive one? Are people sharing their experience of working with you in a positive way? Are they proud of working with you? Padding up hard data with some qualitative feedback will give you a more comprehensive view of your HR strategy’s success.
So make sure you focus on the right output metrics based on your organisational strategy, and that you complement this with data on outcomes. Measuring both of these should also be done regularly against your initial benchmarks so that you can adapt and course-correct as you go.
If you’re wondering which metrics to focus on to support your organisational strategy, or how you can measure outcomes, have a look at our ultimate list of all the HR metrics you could possibly need and take your pick! Or give us a call, we’d be happy to advise.
Career Coaching Cards: Explained
This is a new series of blog posts, that explain our Career Coaching cards in more depth.

Our deck of cards contain 52 questions that help guide better career conversations and connect more with the individuals you’re having these conversations with.
Each week we are releasing a question from our deck with a little more information about why we think this question is a good question and what you are looking to get out of it when you ask it.