In this webinar we will be exploring the challenging question of ‘Do we still need managers?’ We imagine that at some point in your career you have had the thought that you could certainly do without your manager! But why is this? Is it about a whole organisational system that is outdated and no longer fit for purpose or a few bad eggs? Join us to discuss the case for and against managers and explore with us examples of different organisations who have had varying degrees of success with different management structures. We’d love to hear your experiences and ideas too. If you decide that managers are here to stay, we’ll be taking a look at what the focus should be to ensure managers have the skills and behaviours to do the role and title justice.
At LTT we love a debate and to challenge the status quo and this question is one that we see coming up time and time again. The world is changing and organisations are having to rethink the way they approach their people agenda. Do we need the structures born out of the industrial era anymore and are they still fit for purpose and our current needs? We’ll give you some food for thought and share some great examples of organisations that have started down the journey of doing things differently. For many of us the reality of an out and out change may not be possible (yet!) so we will also discuss what you might need to focus on to ensure managers can be the best in the current structure.
Who is this webinar for?
- HR Managers or Organisational Design specialists thinking about restructuring their current management hierarchy or looking to support their management teams be more effective
- Managers who want to look at doing things differently
- Anyone interested in organisations and the way they do things, open for a debate and challenge
What will you learn in this webinar?
- We will explore the case for and against having managers
- We will look at examples of organisations that have had varying degrees of success with new and radical structures
- We will look at the role of a manager and the fundamental elements required of that role
- We will explore the skills and attributes managers need to make a management structure effective