Organisational Design: Your Guide From Let’s Talk Talent

Let’s jump head first into the world of Organisational Design – a master plan that jazzes up the structure, processes, culture, and capabilities of an organisation. A plan that allows you to nail the organisational goals with style whilst bringing a new fresh efficiency!

It’s like putting together the ultimate puzzle; making sure every piece fits snugly together to boost performance, spark innovation, and roll with the punches of the changing times.

Have you got your A-team assembled? Are your players in prime positions, armed with the perfect skills, and ready to kick ass in all the right direction?

At Let’s Talk Talent, we firmly believe it’s all about having the dream team, each member bringing their A-game to the table, making the magic happen, and leaving the competition in awe!

So, grab your creativity hat, and see how Let’s Talk Talent craft a powerhouse setup that’s ready to rock and roll!

What are the 4 pillars of Organisational Design?

LTT’s four pillars of Organisational Design—Structure, Process, Culture, and Capabilities, form the very foundations upon which successful organisations are built and sustained. The four pillars are not a sequential model, and it’s not necessary to look at all areas at any one time.

Over the forthcoming posts we will dive into these four pillars –  keep updated with our blog to understand your journey to success.

Organisational Pillars allow you to understand better if you have the right people, in the right roles, with the right skills, doing the right things. And here we’ll look at the pros and cons within the 4 pillars.

  • Structure – we will delve into the top structure models available, some of which you may already be familiar with, but with the LTT twist! We will show you how to navigate a clear operational and functional structure model that suits you and your business. A solid assessment from the start will support you in choosing the best model to suit your current organisational needs.
  • Process – here we will explore why we need to adopt a change, how we plan to do this transformation and what we need to do to get there. It’s important during this process to consider the communication model being used, it’s crucial that you are taking people with you on this journey of change – a team that joins together for a common purpose to achieve the long term objectives. 
  • Culture – the culture of your organisation is a vital element to be considered when incorporating your OD approach. Here we will identify your organisational values, purpose and leadership style, ensuring that your ideal culture remains embedded whilst empowering the teams within the Structure and Process pillars.
  • Capabilities – in this area we look to see if we have the roles and responsibilities right; ensuring that we have the right people in the right place. We will look at business needs and the roles required to allow the organisation to pivot, remain operationally buoyant, whilst being sure we have sufficient sustainable roles and are managing any roles that are expected to decline.

Step one is to take a good look at where you’re at: what you’ve got, what you’re aiming to be, and then to consider what’s holding you back. Let’s get this moving smoothly and meet those goals.

At LTT, we’re all about getting everyone involved. We believe in bringing people together to hash out the goals and what your success looks like. It’s important to get key roles talking together, ensure staff can appreciate and utilise the diversity within their team. If you’d like to learn more about team development, have a look at our blog series on the forming, storming, norming and performing stages of team development.

Next, it’s all about crafting the perfect setup. This involves smoothing out the way things flow, nurturing a vibe that rocks, and gearing up with the skills we need. That’s when we stop and ask ourselves: What’s our “why”? Why are we diving headfirst into this Organisational Design adventure? Let’s get fired up and find out!

And as always, if you need our help to smash your OD strategy, then let’s jump on a call and see where the gaps are!

Understanding your future by starting backwards!

Alright, let’s break it down in a simple and playful way! Picture this: instead of just zooming ahead, organisations are flipping the script and thinking “future back.” It’s like planning a trip by starting at your dream destination and working backwards to figure out how to get there. With this approach, leaders can spot what skills, vibes, and talents they need to make that dream a reality. It’s all about setting the stage for success by aligning today’s moves with tomorrow’s big goals. So, let’s hop on board and explore how this “future back” magic can turn dreams into reality for you and your business!

Remember, we’re not just riding the wave – we’re shaping our long-term success like master architects. Aligning our purpose, goals, and strategies is like setting the stage for a blockbuster hit. So, let’s ditch short-term thinking, and sail towards a future brimming with impact and success, always guided by our organisational “North Star”! You know it makes sense!

Are you confident to run OD solutions internally? Here’s some helpful tips…

  • Clarify the Purpose: Get clear on why we’re here: Start by going back to the basics and clearly explaining what our organisation is all about and in what direction we’re heading in the long run. Make sure every team member knows how their role fits into the big picture. This clarity is like a beacon guiding us in making decisions and shaping our strategies.
  • Set Long-Term Goals: Establish ambitious yet achievable long-term goals that are aligned with the organisation’s purpose. These goals should be specific, measurable, and time-bound, providing a clear roadmap for progress. Encourage a focus on outcomes rather than short-term outputs.
    • One potential long-term goal in organisational design might be: “Over the next five years, aim for a 20% boost in stakeholder engagement by building a more collaborative and empowering culture, one that expands professional growth opportunities, and introduces fresh new communication methods across all teams.”
  • Develop a Clear Plan: Plan for the long haul: Set up some big, exciting goals that match your organisation’s purpose. Make sure they are clear, measurable, and come with a timeline, so we know where we’re heading. Let’s keep our eyes on the prize and aim for real results, not just quick fixes.
  • Enable Strategic Thinking: Foster a culture of strategic thinking and foresight across the organisation. Encourage employees at all levels to think beyond immediate challenges and consider the long-term implications of their decisions. Provide training and resources to support strategic thinking skills development.
    • Let’s think about a business looking to grow its slice of the market pie. Instead of just chasing quick sales wins, they promote a vibe of thinking ahead among their teams, teams that dive into market trends, keep an eye on tech shifts, and spot what customers will want next. Employees that have the freedom to pitch fresh ideas and prep for tomorrow’s hurdles. This way, the company stays ahead of the pack, rolls with market changes, and stays sharp for the long haul.
  • Communicate Proactively & Regularly: Communicate the organisation’s purpose, long-term goals, and strategic plans regularly and transparently to all stakeholders. Ensure that everyone understands their role in achieving these objectives and feels empowered to contribute. Transparency is key when incorporating Organisational Development plans.
  • Monitor Progress: Implement robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to track progress towards long-term goals. Check how you’re doing on those big goals. Look at key signs and important milestones regularly and change course if needed to keep heading in the right direction.
  • Encourage Innovation: Embrace a culture of innovation and experimentation that encourages employees to explore new ideas and approaches. If we create channels for sharing insights and lessons learned, this will enable staff to adapt and evolve over time.
    • Imagine your workplace as a creative playground, where every idea is a potential game-changer. Your team is like a bunch of adventurers, bravely exploring uncharted territories of innovation and experimentation. And here’s the kicker: you’ve set up an idea exchange platform where everyone can swap stories, insights, and lessons learned. This way, your team grows and evolves, constantly adapting to new challenges and staying ahead of the curve!
  • Invest in Learning and Development: Support growth: Put resources into helping employees learn and grow, so they have the skills we need for the long run. Offer chances for training and mentorship, all tied into what’s most important for our organisation’s future and our ultimate end game.
    • For example, imagine you own a coaching business, and you’re committed to staying at the top of your game. Instead of sticking to the status quo, you invest in your team’s growth. You offer workshops on cutting-edge coaching methods, one-on-one mentorship sessions with experienced coaches, and opportunities to explore new approaches. By giving your team the chance to learn and grow, they become even more effective at helping clients achieve their goals. They bring fresh perspectives and stay ahead of industry norms.

By aligning the organisation’s purpose, goals, and strategies, you begin to nurture a culture that values long-term thinking and innovation, enabling you to steer your organisation away from short-termism, and towards sustained success & impact.

Intrigued to know more?

So, you’re intrigued by Organisational Design? It sounds like the golden ticket to supercharged performance! But hold up – it’s not just a magic wand. It’s about empowering your team to steer their career ship and tackle their daily grind with gusto. To get a greater understanding of OD, Let’s Talk Talent style, tune in to our recent webinar here.

As we journey through this adventure, be sure to stay nimble, gathering feedback, and making tweaks along the way to keep up with the ever-changing world of business. Think of it like a dance between creativity, adaptability, and sticking to what works best. So, how will we know we’re winning? Ready to gear up for the ride? Swing by our Organisational Design Workshop to get the tools you need.

Before taking the plunge, ask yourself:

Are your staff in sync with your mission, goals, and values? It’s all about aligning them with the big picture. Are your people free to customise their gig with a personal touch? And do you have their backs, with the tools they need to support the Organisational Design dream?

Remember, Organisational Design isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. But for those who embrace it, the sky’s the limit! When you put your people first and sprinkle in some happiness at work, you’ve got the recipe for success.

Ready to explore this journey? Let’s chat!

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